• English
  • नेपाली


Development Bankers Association Nepal (the Institution), a not for profit institution, was established in 2062 BS as per the Institutions Registration Act 2034. The Development Banks, ‘B’ Class Financial Institutions, established as per the Bank and Financial Institutions Act 2073, are the Members of the Institution.

The Executive Committee, elected by the Annual General Meeting as per the provision outlined in the Statute of the Institution, formulates the policies and action plans and execute it for the betterment of the member banks.The Institution coordinates the member banks and strives for having financial stability in the banking industry and contributing for the economic development of the country.

It identifies the common issues of the Development Banks and takes up the matter to the Government, Regulators, and other Stakeholders with suggestions / possible solutions for getting addressed / solved it. The Institution also exerts effort in contributing the society by organizing various programs like enhancing financial literacy, fostering green financing, minimizing the risks in the banking transactions, etc.

It puts in effort in having process standardization among the member banks, mitigating the risks, fostering good governance culture, getting complied with the Acts, Rules and Directives and educating the Board of Directors, Senior Management and Staffs of the Member Banks.

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CEOs of the Member Banks represent their respective Institutions and Annual General Meeting elects the Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members


The Institution is established with the following objectives so as to carrying out the activities by complying with the prevailing Acts and Rules of the Country and the Directives issued by the Regulators:

  • Fostering interbank relationships, professionalism and business etiquettes,
  • Contributing to enhance the priority sector loans / deprived sector loans for attaining the goals set by the country and alleviating the poverty,
  • Establishing the relationships with the International Financial Institutions for mobilizing the financial resources by the member banks,
  • Enhancing the role and responsibilities of the Development Banks for the development of the country,
  • Contributing to the government and the central bank to formulate the financial policies,
  • Playing the constructive roles for the development of the community,
  • Establishing the relationship with the International Institutions having similar objectives and executing memorandum of understanding for exchanging the experiences and best practices,
  • Utilizing the knowledge and experience of the experts institutionally for the economic and development activities of the country,